Add here some interesting details about the product. Help people realize that this product is exactly what they need. It could be practical and useful information as well: the size of the product, material that it is made of, or care instructions.
Кроссовки Nike
Add here some interesting details about the product. Help people realize that this product is exactly what they need. It could be practical and useful information as well: the size of the product, material that it is made of, or care instructions.
Кроссовки Puma
Add here some interesting details about the product. Help people realize that this product is exactly what they need. It could be practical and useful information as well: the size of the product, material that it is made of, or care instructions.
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Организовали перенос инфраструктуры на облако в отказоустойчивый ДЦ уровня Tier-3. Настройка и последующее администрирование виртуальной инфраструктуры Заказчика осуществляется силами провайдера.
Заказчик получил отказоустойчивую ИТ-инфраструктуру в облаке и безопасное решение для удаленной работы.